Saturday 20 December 2014

5 TV Shows That You Need In Your Life (immediately)


This post is made in collaboration with blogger/friend Sophia from follow her to see her response to this post.

I don’t like telling people what to do. In fact, I like to avoid it at all costs, but honestly you need these television shows in your life (if they aren’t already). TV is very important to me. It’s basically the melting pot of all things culture. I think TV allows you to empathise with characters a lot easier than film does because you’re spending hours with them as they go about their lives. So have a look, pick a TV show and make heaps of popcorn because you’re going to binge watch and that’s a promise.

I won’t tell you too much about these shows but trust me when I say they’re flipping amazing.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Books and Series To Fall in Love With

Books are kind of my life.

 Reading is on the same level as film, TV and style for me. Back when I had time, I would average about 1-2 books a day. Recently, I’ve been giving myself more free time and I’ve been reading more and more.

Now, I haven’t always liked reading. When I was younger (maybe 8?) I absolutely could not stand reading. I thought it was boring, and to be perfectly honest, the books I was forced to read were boring. My mother, being an avid reader thought this was a serious issue and got me two books that really changed my perspective on reading. The first was a book of Arabians myths and the second was the Chronicles of Narnia. Both were the largest books I had ever seen in my entire life and I read them religiously. These books started off what has been a long-standing and fulfilling love affair with books and all things literature.

To really celebrate this love, I have here a comprehensive list of my favourite books. My tastes in books have changed as I’ve gotten older but these are the books that I either find myself coming back to all the time, or books that made me feel so much that I’ll always remember it.

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell


This book is sitting next to me right now. It goes everywhere with me. I love it with all my heart. Now, I won’t act like I was instantly attracted to this book. In fact, when I first saw the cover and read the back I thought it sounded ridiculous. Jeez, it’s even set in the 80s, I said to myself. However, I did give it a go and wow. This book is nothing short of my favourite read of 2014. Really quickly, it’s about these two teenagers Eleanor and Park (really?) who are falling in love for the first time and all that sweetness. The book also deals with serious issues like domestic abuse, bullying and being different, but not in a condescending way at all. I like Eleanor’s character because even though she’s unusual and sometimes weird, it doesn’t feel like she’s being forced into that box of a ‘messed up pixie girl’. She is honestly, one of the strongest female characters I’ve ever come across.


Sunday 7 December 2014

5 movies to watch this summer


It’s Sunday and I’m finally in full ‘lazy mode’. I’ve got my tea by my side and movies on the mind and I thought I’d share with you my favourite summer movies. When the heat rises and the summer rains come sweeping in, the best thing to do is curl up with your laptop, a massive bowl of popcorn and your most comfortable pyjamas ready for a day of movies and relaxation.

  1. Dazed and Confused (1993) 

    Not to be mixed up with the excellent British Magazine of the same name, this movie is set in the 70’s and follows a bunch of teenagers on their last day of school. It’s hard to describe the plot because there are so many different stories but trust me, if you’re a Puberty Bluesfan, a Freaks and Geeks fan, or really just a fan of anything quintessentially teen, 70s and rock & roll, you will honestly love this movie. I know I did. Bonus points: foetus Matthew Mcconaughey.

  2. Damsels in Distress (2011)

    This was my first foray into indie, film-festival movies. Three girls (Violet , Rose and Heather) set out to ‘fix’ their university by trying to change ‘frat boy’ attitude of the guys around them, rescue depression sufferers on campus and start a new dance trend called the ‘Sambola’. A new girl, Lily, joins the group and she kind of ruins everything but at the same time forces the trio to realise their own issues. The humour is witty and funny and the outfits scream preppy 60’s clique. Bonus points: All the girls have flower names.

  3. The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)

    Ah, my first Wes Anderson movie. Summer is the time you spend with your family and honestly; they can drive you up the wall.  The Royal Tenenbaums details the reunion of a separated family of geniuses after their father falls ill. Before you say ‘nah’, this movie is nowhere near as much as a downer as it sounds. Yes, it’s set in the winter but the colour scheme of the entire movie is filled with so many warm browns and reds that it’ll fit in just fine with the Australian summer (and for anyone in winter right now, it’ll help warm you up!). It’s also hilarious and heartwarming. Bonus points: Margot’s fur coat.


  4. Heathers (1988)

    I have seen this movie so many times and I’m not slowing down yet. When I first watched it, I very much thought it was going to be your typical 80s weird girl-meets cool boy thing. Boy, was I wrong! It’s dark, funny, a little bit scary and is like a thriller version of Mean Girls. There is heaps of commentary on the high-school social hierarchy and the 80s fashion is in full swing here. Shoulder Pads to the max. Bonus Points: It-Girl Winona Ryder.

  5. Much Ado About Nothing (2012)

    Yes, this is Shakespeare. No, it is not boring. Yes, you will laugh and cry and laugh a bit more. Like the title suggests, this play really is about nothing but the main theme is the animosity between the two main characters Beatrice and Benedict. There is treachery and villainy, heroism and a really strong female character that throws out witty quips like bread to ducks. What I really love about this movie is the intimacy. It’s set in the director Joss Whedon’s house and most of the cast was already friends. It feels like I’m looking in on their private lives and less like I’m watching a movie, which in my opinion is very, very important. Bonus points: The entire movie is in black and white.

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