Saturday 20 December 2014

5 TV Shows That You Need In Your Life (immediately)


This post is made in collaboration with blogger/friend Sophia from follow her to see her response to this post.

I don’t like telling people what to do. In fact, I like to avoid it at all costs, but honestly you need these television shows in your life (if they aren’t already). TV is very important to me. It’s basically the melting pot of all things culture. I think TV allows you to empathise with characters a lot easier than film does because you’re spending hours with them as they go about their lives. So have a look, pick a TV show and make heaps of popcorn because you’re going to binge watch and that’s a promise.

I won’t tell you too much about these shows but trust me when I say they’re flipping amazing.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Books and Series To Fall in Love With

Books are kind of my life.

 Reading is on the same level as film, TV and style for me. Back when I had time, I would average about 1-2 books a day. Recently, I’ve been giving myself more free time and I’ve been reading more and more.

Now, I haven’t always liked reading. When I was younger (maybe 8?) I absolutely could not stand reading. I thought it was boring, and to be perfectly honest, the books I was forced to read were boring. My mother, being an avid reader thought this was a serious issue and got me two books that really changed my perspective on reading. The first was a book of Arabians myths and the second was the Chronicles of Narnia. Both were the largest books I had ever seen in my entire life and I read them religiously. These books started off what has been a long-standing and fulfilling love affair with books and all things literature.

To really celebrate this love, I have here a comprehensive list of my favourite books. My tastes in books have changed as I’ve gotten older but these are the books that I either find myself coming back to all the time, or books that made me feel so much that I’ll always remember it.

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell


This book is sitting next to me right now. It goes everywhere with me. I love it with all my heart. Now, I won’t act like I was instantly attracted to this book. In fact, when I first saw the cover and read the back I thought it sounded ridiculous. Jeez, it’s even set in the 80s, I said to myself. However, I did give it a go and wow. This book is nothing short of my favourite read of 2014. Really quickly, it’s about these two teenagers Eleanor and Park (really?) who are falling in love for the first time and all that sweetness. The book also deals with serious issues like domestic abuse, bullying and being different, but not in a condescending way at all. I like Eleanor’s character because even though she’s unusual and sometimes weird, it doesn’t feel like she’s being forced into that box of a ‘messed up pixie girl’. She is honestly, one of the strongest female characters I’ve ever come across.


Sunday 7 December 2014

5 movies to watch this summer


It’s Sunday and I’m finally in full ‘lazy mode’. I’ve got my tea by my side and movies on the mind and I thought I’d share with you my favourite summer movies. When the heat rises and the summer rains come sweeping in, the best thing to do is curl up with your laptop, a massive bowl of popcorn and your most comfortable pyjamas ready for a day of movies and relaxation.

  1. Dazed and Confused (1993) 

    Not to be mixed up with the excellent British Magazine of the same name, this movie is set in the 70’s and follows a bunch of teenagers on their last day of school. It’s hard to describe the plot because there are so many different stories but trust me, if you’re a Puberty Bluesfan, a Freaks and Geeks fan, or really just a fan of anything quintessentially teen, 70s and rock & roll, you will honestly love this movie. I know I did. Bonus points: foetus Matthew Mcconaughey.

  2. Damsels in Distress (2011)

    This was my first foray into indie, film-festival movies. Three girls (Violet , Rose and Heather) set out to ‘fix’ their university by trying to change ‘frat boy’ attitude of the guys around them, rescue depression sufferers on campus and start a new dance trend called the ‘Sambola’. A new girl, Lily, joins the group and she kind of ruins everything but at the same time forces the trio to realise their own issues. The humour is witty and funny and the outfits scream preppy 60’s clique. Bonus points: All the girls have flower names.

  3. The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)

    Ah, my first Wes Anderson movie. Summer is the time you spend with your family and honestly; they can drive you up the wall.  The Royal Tenenbaums details the reunion of a separated family of geniuses after their father falls ill. Before you say ‘nah’, this movie is nowhere near as much as a downer as it sounds. Yes, it’s set in the winter but the colour scheme of the entire movie is filled with so many warm browns and reds that it’ll fit in just fine with the Australian summer (and for anyone in winter right now, it’ll help warm you up!). It’s also hilarious and heartwarming. Bonus points: Margot’s fur coat.


  4. Heathers (1988)

    I have seen this movie so many times and I’m not slowing down yet. When I first watched it, I very much thought it was going to be your typical 80s weird girl-meets cool boy thing. Boy, was I wrong! It’s dark, funny, a little bit scary and is like a thriller version of Mean Girls. There is heaps of commentary on the high-school social hierarchy and the 80s fashion is in full swing here. Shoulder Pads to the max. Bonus Points: It-Girl Winona Ryder.

  5. Much Ado About Nothing (2012)

    Yes, this is Shakespeare. No, it is not boring. Yes, you will laugh and cry and laugh a bit more. Like the title suggests, this play really is about nothing but the main theme is the animosity between the two main characters Beatrice and Benedict. There is treachery and villainy, heroism and a really strong female character that throws out witty quips like bread to ducks. What I really love about this movie is the intimacy. It’s set in the director Joss Whedon’s house and most of the cast was already friends. It feels like I’m looking in on their private lives and less like I’m watching a movie, which in my opinion is very, very important. Bonus points: The entire movie is in black and white.

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Monday 3 November 2014

'We are the weirdos, mister' Nancy

So, just these last holidays I went on a movie bender. Well as much as a movie bender as I could handle.  My mind is still swimming with the stories and images that imprinted in my brain. Watching Dazed and Confused made me want to grow up in the seventies, with their flared pants and…that is it. I want the pants.


Watching Memento messed with my head so much I didn’t speak for the rest of the day. I had to re-watch scenes multiple times in order to actually understand what had happened. Still, I would recommend it to anyone watching.


While my eyes glazed over and my lips grew numb from munching on honey soy chicken chips, I wondered to myself if I could ever make such great and insightful movies. Like, it isn’t lost on me that what I’ve experienced is nothing out of the mundane and ordinary, you know? I’ve been to foreign countries, but never strayed far enough or stayed long enough to understand their culture.


I’m afraid I’ll end up like those two guys in Rope. They thought they understood things, thought they were superior, but they had grown up sheltered and privileged so in the end, their own ignorance lead to someone’s death and their own downfall. Though, in all honesty, I don’t think I’d strangle someone for shits and gigs. That seems a bit off. Although, Brandon and Phillip did look awfully dapper in their sharp suits and neat hair.


Ah, yes, the point. Film, to me, is one of the best ways to fully experience something you may never experience again. I may never sneak out to go to my first high school party, but I could describe the rush I felt when I watched it Dazed. I may never run a successful crime business, but if I did, I know not to squeal.


I also know that it is completely all right to run away from weddings if you don’t feel comfortable. Your own weddings.


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Sunday 13 April 2014

Why oh why: Can't I be Mindy Kaling?

To anyone who knows me it’s no secret that I want to be a writer. It’s a passion that is nothing short of all-consuming. However, not that many people actually know is how serious I am about scriptwriting, directing and acting; a love that came much later than my love for novels and hasn’t left since. While I performed in a Shake&Stir production of the Tempest, I was able to see what our director and writers did with the script and that left me with no doubt in my mind that I had to do this myself.

Only there were a few issues. Well one issue. I was afraid I couldn’t do it. I was afraid I wasn’t good enough, or smart enough or connected enough; but above all, I thought I wasn’t white enough. If you turn on Australian television or put on a film, you’d be hard-pressed to find a single character that isn’t white.

Like many people, Puberty Blues is one of my favourite TV shows

It’s a problem that’s not as bad on channels like ABC and SBS than channels like Ten or Seven. Even watching American television shows, I noticed that any non-white character seemed like an afterthought, an archetype to garner laughs or sympathy. The sassy black girl, the nerdy Asian, the clueless foreign student…The list goes on. I also realised that none of my favourite movies or television shows were created, directed or written by women, which prompted me to do more research only to discover that 95% of directors are men, despite 50% of film school graduates being women.

I was in a fit of despair. I thought I could never succeed, that I should just cut my losses and focus on getting in Med School. That is, until I discovered for myself, Mindy Kaling.

Mindy Kaling 

To any Office fans, I can assume you’re scoffing at my lateness. You’ve known about Ms Kaling’s amazingness for a while now. I’m sorry, please forgive me. I stumbled across this explosion of talent while I was looking for a new television show to watch and her new show ‘The Mindy Project’ (which she created) seemed like a good idea. I watched the first season in a day before realising I needed to pace myself. Even though I took my time watch the second season, it still finished too quickly and I found myself staring at a 2 month hiatus until the next episode. I’m not ashamed to say I cried. I was so upset. Here was a show about this Indian woman who couldn’t cook, had heaps of horrible boyfriends, spoke like ‘a twelve year old girl’ and she was the main character! I was shocked. It didn’t even occur to me that this could happen and so, of course, I lapped it up. Mindy (the character not the person) was this incredibly smart and unique character who was so intensely funny and addictive that I soon found myself imitating her voice and mannerisms which is a definite sign of idolisation.

During the Season Two hiatus I kept myself busy by reading, re-reading and re-reading certain chapters of her book, re-watching the Mindy Project and (obsessively) googling everything I could about Mindy. She went to Dartmouth College (which even as an Australian I know is REALLY important). With her best friend Brenda Withers, she created this insanely funny play called Matt and Ben, based on the lives of actors Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. It’s a dear wish of mine that I was alive back then so I could watch the play in all its hilarity instead of settling with Youtube clips.

Mindy then went on to work on television eventually becoming a writer on the lovely television show the Office. She also played the role of Kelly Kapoor.

Oh, Kelly!

Mindy is what inspired me to start writing again. I began talking to people I knew who knew about filmmaking, writing, acting and directing and became more informed about what I wanted to do. I owe a lot of my current confidence to the women who gave us the quote ‘There is no sunrise worth waking me up to see”.  //

Zaitoon x

Sunday 23 March 2014

Collage by Zaitoon

I’m a bit cynical when it comes to films. I’m the one that laughs in horror movies because the blood spurts ten feet (but come on, who doesn’t?). I’m also the one says, and very loudly, ‘I wouldn’t have shot it like that’. I’m critical though I have no right to be, but what can I say: I love my movies. With all my cynical and pretentious beliefs around films, there are really some films I can find absolutely no flaws in. I simply enjoyed the film. I didn’t laugh (unless I was supposed to) and formed little attachments to the movies that had me quoting lines and adopting mannerisms.

The Royal Tenenbaums

The Royal Tenenbaums, written by Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson was my gateway drug to Wes Anderson. Everything in this movie was spot on, the aesthetics, the dialogue, the plot, the actors, the… You get my point, I loved everything. The movie tells the story of a family of child geniuses and their relationship with each other and their absentee father. Gwyneth Paltrow’s Margot Tenenbaum had me suspiciously hording my secrets and wearing little barrettes in my hair (and let me tell you, I did not achieve the same affect). Luke Wilson’s Richie Tenenbaum showed me what is was like to love someone and know you can’t have them. Kumar Pallana’s Pagoda made me laugh and love his loyalty and humour. I loved this movie so much, and if anyone knows where I can get a headband like Richie, tell me now.

Les Misèrables

Someone once told me they didn’t like Les Mis (what we hip-hopper kids call it) (Just me) because there was too much singing. To which I replied with lowered brow and confused tone ‘It’s a musical’. The singing was the best part. I know the words to ‘At the End of the Day’ and I’ll sing it at the most inappropriate of times. Whenever I need a pseudonym, I go by Jean Valjean. Always. When mum tells me to do the dishes, I lock myself in my room and yell ‘Vive La France’. At the end of Les Misèrables I sobbed like a baby for 2 hours. I was subdued for a week and if that isn’t powerful stuff I don’t know what is.

 I also have a massive crush on Eddie Redmayne. That is all.

The Hunger Games

Come on, who didn’t like this? I read the book when I was like 13 and loved it, but never in my wildest dreams did I think the movie would be so faithful to the book. AND GOOD TOO. So many people don’t like Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss (I think she’s perfect) and that’s all a matter of opinion, but Josh Hutcherson as Peeta is just undisputed genius. He brought Book Peeta to life in a way I wasn’t expecting at all. Also, I want to be Amandla Stenberg? Her portrayal of Rue was so innocent and beautiful, no-one can ever watch Rue’s death scene without crying, or at least a little sniffling. If I ever make a movie, I’d cast her front and centre.

Dirty Picture

Dirty Picture is a Bollywood film starring Vidya Balan (my favourite Bollywood actress full stop). The movie tells the story of Item Girl (A dancer in Indian films, usually quite provocative) Reshma or as she is known in her films, ‘Silk’. I can tell you know there is no happy ending. Though the movie is so realistic and colourful it is by far my favourite Bollywood film. You can’t help but love Silk. She’s confident, driven, funny and honest. She’s the perfect heroine, you can’t help but root for her to leave her life of poverty but at the same time you can see her flaws, her imperfections and you wish she did too. After watching this I started raising my eyebrows sardonically whenever I talked to someone, in imitation of Silk.

I was asked if I had a twitch.

Anyone else a film manic? Yes? YES?!

By Zaitoon 

Saturday 8 March 2014

Book Clichés: A surprisingly cynical account of the worst offenders

If you’re a reader like me, you understand the deep anger that stems from opening a book and reading stupid line after stupid line that makes you want to claw at your eyes. You know what I mean; the clichéd comments and characters that certain authors seem have on constant repeat. Those lines that are ALWAYS in first person; from a narrator that’s just trying to find themselves. It gets to a point where you can’t differentiate between books and really, really wish a character would just be killed of already*. So with that blunt admission, here they are**:

1.      “We Were Infinite”/”The Moment Stretched Forever”/”I Felt Like We’d Live Forever”

See ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ by John Green
Also see ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’ Stephan Chbosky

Every time someone reads this Harry Styles loses a pair of skinny jeans. When I’m having a good time, I’m not busy thinking about how many versions of me exist on another plane of existence. I’m “wow I’m having a good time”. Maybe it’s my bitter showing, but every time I read this I can just feel the bile rising in my throat

2.       “He Was Everything. I was nothing”

I can’t give you a book to reference this because it happens in just about every YAF book/fan story. First of all: no. Second: Yeah, sure, you guys are kissing, and you feel so intangible that he’s the only solid thing to anchor you to the cold hard earth, but: please no. I’m no expert but when people kiss don’t they mostly think ‘omigod, is that too much tongue’ or something along those lines?

3.      The Nerdy/ Boring Girl That Everybody Loves Despite The Fact That She’s Irritating And Useless AKA The Mary Sue

See ‘Twilight’ by Stephanie Meyer

Also see ‘Evermore’ by Alyson Noel

Also see “The House of Night’ Series by PC and Kristin Cast

This cliché is so universally hated, it has a nickname. The Mary Sue is generally not a bad person but has such a bland personality that it makes perfect sense that they should be ignored. Hahahahahha. NOPE. The Mary Sue is almost always a new kid starting at a new and scary school where they get a group of friends IMMEDIATELY and a love interest almost as quickly. The Mary Sue thinks she’s unattractive but really she’s a BABE.

NOTE: The Mary Sue can also be a male or, as I like to call it, Tommy Lee. The Tommy Lee has all the girls fawning over him but he just wishes the girl he liked would LOVE him. Usually the girl is extraordinarily beautiful with a hot boyfriend giving us girls at home a complex and a need to buy some caramel ice-cream.

4.       The Bitchy Mean Girl That Literally Has No Reason To be Mean But Is Anyway Because The Plot Calls For It

See ‘The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer’ By Michelle Hodkin

Also see ‘The House of Night’ series by PC and Kristin Cast

(I had to go calm myself before writing this).  This girl is almost always blonde and 99.999% of the time white. What is it about blonde girls that people think instantly means ‘bitchy’? And these girls aren’t just bitchy they are ABSOLUTE COWS. They embarrass the protagonist, try to hurt them or worse try to steal their boyfriends (gasp); all in the name of jealousy (sometimes NOT EVEN THAT. JUST FOR FUNSIES). This is obsessive and, in some cases, psychotic behaviour and why? Because the protagonist (Always a Mary Sue) gets the boy or the Julliard Scholarship or something like that. If this girl (it’s always a girl, which just grinds my gears) is so damn beautiful and so damn popular, why does she care?!?!?!??! SHE CAN JUST GET ANOTHER BOYFRIEND/SCHOLARSHIP/PROM QUEEN TITLE.

5.       The Manic Pixie Boy/Girl

See ‘Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares’ by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan


What kind of book cliché post would this be without a nod to the Manic Pixie boy/girl? Oh what can I say? The Manic Pixie Boy/Girl 9 times out of 10 is discovered by a dour protagonist (usually a male), who wants to be a writer and works at a coffee shop. She/he is so exciting and cool but without even supposedly trying. BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. They’re deep individuals that think about the future constantly. BUT WHAT THERE’S MORE. They’re not attractive in a conventional way, OH HO HO, NOT A CHANCE. They’re good looking in a way that makes everyone look. Much like (oh yes) a pixie.

6.      The Bad Boy Player That Actually Turns Out To Be a Rich Sensitive Guy with Abandonment Issues

See ‘The Duff’ by  Kody Keplinger

See ‘The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer’ by Michelle Hodkin

This archetype has seemingly just sprung out of nowhere in the last three years. If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it is this. The boy (it is ALWAYS a boy) has a reputation at school for sleeping around and dumping girls like used tissues, yet the protagonist is strangely allured by him. At this point the Bad Boy realises the protagonist (sometimes a Mary Sue, but just as often not) is different and he wants to date her. This is then succeeded by a game of cat and mouse, during which the Bad Boy takes her to his house which is a MANSION (oh wow).

Protagonist is so surprised!

“You’re rich?” she says incredulously. What a lame girl move, protagonist. Don’t just assume that everyone is penniless except you. Also, he drove you in a bloody Porsche, of course he’s RICH. What happened to sensitive boys that made you mix tapes in their tiny bedroom? EVERYONE JUSTS WANTS A DIAMOND NECKLACE NOW.

Actually, I’d take both if there are any takers.

By Zaitoon

*NOTE: Just like to let you know, I’ve read ALL of these books and I enjoyed most of them. I love David Levithan. This is all for fun and are the things that usually come up when friends complain about books. Don’t take anything to heart.

**ANOTHER NOTE: not 100% serious. More like 57.4%.